United Kingdom amateur licenses are valid in Guernsey. CEPT
amateur licenses are now also valid in UK and Guernsey. Amateurs
from other countries may obtain information about reciprocal licensing
from Ofcom.
Intending visitors should ask the Guernsey Tourist and Accommodation
Bureau, St. Peter Port, Guernsey for their up-to-date tourist brochure
and list of accommodation. Tel +44 1481 723552 (www.visitguernsey.com).
They will be happy to forward information by post.
Amateurs have successfully operated from the following,
amongst others:
Camp Sites: La Bailloterie Camp Site, Vale (Telephone
+44(0)1481-243636) (www.campinginguernsey.com).
Fauxquets Valley Camp Site. (Telephone +44 1481 255460) (www.fauxquets.co.uk).
The Island of Herm, 5km E. of Guernsey, welcomes amateurs to its
camp sites, self-catering cottages, and hotel (Telephone +44 1481 750000)
CLUB. Guernsey Amateur Radio Society membership includes
a majority of the islands' radio amateurs. Meetings are held
every Friday at 7.30pm at The Bunker, Beau Sejour, or at a local
bar for a social evening (see home page for details) and visitors
are welcome.
There are two local repeaters in operation.
activity centres on the FM calling channel S20 (145.500MHz).
This is read each Sunday at 0930 local time on 145.525MHz
(S21), followed by an 'after-news net' on 145.575MHz (S23)
Even if alternative routes are specified at the time of contact,
QSLs will be sent to Guernsey via the RSGB bureau. It is therefore
essential that sufficient self-addressed envelopes (Guernsey stamps,
or cash by arrangement) be maintained with the RSGB QSL Sub-Manager,
Phil Cooper, GU0SUP, 1 Clos au Pre, Hougue du Pommier,
Castel. This service is available to non-members of RSGB, without
charge. Please reply to all cards received, and thus help maintain
Guernseys' high reputation for QSLing. Sadly, we have had quite
a few visitors in the past that have not left forwarding arrangements
for QSL cards. Please understand that we have no control over this
situation, and although the sub-manager will try to make contact
with the call involved, it is not always possible to arrive at a
satisfactory conclusion.
To safeguard the interests of future visitors and of local
amateurs, visiting operators are asked to observe good operating
practice, and to operate within UK licensing terms.
Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), 3 Abbey Court, Fraser
Road, Priory Business Park,Bedford, MK44 3WH. (www.rsgb.org)
Telephone; +44 1234 832 700.
Visitors who pay attention to the above guide-lines
will find a warm welcome in Guernsey. We look forward to seeing
you soon! Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of
these notes, no responsibility or liability will be accepted for
the accuracy of any information given. Enquiries should be made
prior to your visit to ensure the facilities and information that
you require are available and accurate.